Fear Amateur
Radio Society |
March 2000 | Volume XXX Issue 3 |
February 2000 Minutes
The February 2000 CFARS meeting was called to order by David KR4OE at 7:30 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by David. Bill KE4DER led the invocation. Introductions were made in the usual CFARS manner. Fred KN4SS made a motion, seconded by Bill KU4W, to accept the minutes of the January 2000 meeting. The motion passed.
Committee Reports: Treasurer - Chuck KJ4RV stated we had $1303.99 in the bank. Its time to pay membership dues and they are being accepted now. Repeaters - Bill KU4W The 220 repeater is down. The complaints by the FAA to the FCC were not caused by our repeater but by Lexington. We scored 3200 points in the 10-10 Contest. Health & Welfare - Pete W4TBO reported Art WB4WZH isnt doing well but is at home with at kidney infection. George KE4HW reported Graham K4MN is in a nursing home. Fred KN4SS reported that Daryl KE4QNG has been in & out of the hospital. Advertising - Van N4ERM had no report. Public Relations - Fred N4ZCG told of the upcoming VE Test Session March 4th. Net Manager - Chuck KJ4RV stated net participation is down but doing well. Net control operators are to be commended. David KR4OE reminded us of the Possum Trot Net each morning. Membership - David KR4OE asked for a volunteer for this position. Skywarn - Buddy KG4ABZ is looking for net controllers and other positions that you can assist with. Thomas Babb KF4JKQ, Central Skywarn Coordinator, briefed us about skywarn and asked for participation. ( VE Testing - Bob KL7NL reminded us of the VE Test Session March 4th at Methodist College. Newsletter Editor - Mike KN4XP requested articles for the newsletter. He has caught a computer virus and the newsletter will be delayed in coming out. ARRL Bulletins - AJ W4EK spoke briefly about restructuring the FCC & ARRL.
Old Business - Dr. Elton Hendrix W4VDW, President of Methodist College, will be made an honorary member of CFARS.
New Business - Fred KN4SS spoke on behalf of Bob KC4RSZ for help with the March of Dimes Walk on May 13th at 8 am. 20 people are needed. Fred made a motion, seconded by Buddy KG4ABZ, to sponsor this project. The motion carried. Bob KL7NL needs volunteers to help with the MS Walk. Bob made a motion, seconded by Kelly N4EWG, to provide communications for the MS Walk April 1st. The motion carried. Kelly N4EWG needs a second person to help with an Amateur Radio talk to the Special Ed class at Westover Middle School. George KE4HW & Fred KN4SS volunteered. Kelly will let us know the exact date soon. David KR4OE reminded us of the traffic net (147.045) in Lumberton held Monday - Friday. This net handles traffic in Southeast NC. David also told of the donation made to the Salvation Army by CFARS. They loaned us their food wagon during Field Day.
New Members - Mike KG4GAF gave a talk about himself. Chuck KJ4RV made a motion, seconded by Pat N4UGH to accept KG4GAF, KB7TOE and KB6CKM into CFARS. The motion carried. Mike KG4GAF, Scott KB7TOE and Harold KB6CKM were inducted into CFARS (Scott and Harold were absent).
Program - Bob KL7NL gave a program about AREA Amateur Radio Emergency Services. Bob also told of the CFARS Web Site
Door Prize Drawing - Kelly N4EWG held the door prize drawing. Harold KF4IUV won a nice set of Bencher Paddles. Bill KE4DER made a motion, seconded by Kelly N4EWG, to adjourn. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. There were 29 members and 4 guests present. Minutes submitted by Al N0PSH CFARS Recorder.
Presidents Message - David KR4OE
I really dont know how to start this months message, so sit back, put on your seat belt and hold on because the road may get a little bumpy before the ride comes to and end. CFARS will hold its monthly meeting March 20, 2000. This meeting will go down in history as the most important meeting CFARS has ever held. The dark and looming question is whether you as a member of CFARS will be in attendance to ensure that CFARS continues as one of the premier amateur radio clubs in the state of North Carolina. The future of CFARS hangs precariously in the balance. If you are a current member of CFARS, and old member or a prospective member it is paramount we see your smiling face in the alumni dining room on the campus of Methodist college at 7:30 pm on March 20. If you know an old member or an amateur radio operator who isnt a member of CFARS I challenge you (the current members) to contact these folks before March 20, invite them to the meeting and impress upon them the extreme importance of attending this meeting. Again remember the fate of CFARS and its future is in your hands. During my time as a member of CFARS I have seen the club rise to the challenge of fulfilling its commitment to the community and stare down a couple of evil persons know as Fran and Floyd. the proposal I present to you now is to rise to another challenge and ensure the future of CFARS and be in attendance on March 20, 2000.
You can take off your seatbelt now because the ride from here on out should be a breeze. I would, from here on out, like to just get you thinking about amateur radio and share my thoughts on what amateur radio is for me. After reading this take a few minutes and ask yourself what the hobby means to you. Well, amateur radio for me is a wonderful way to talk with and meet many wonderful people. I stress the meeting part. When I attend a hamfest I now know more people that are from other parts of the state than I do from home. How can this be you ask. Well I enjoy the HF Traffic Nets (both cw and ssb), the Tarheel Emergency Net and the statewide HF ARES Net. I cant begin my work day without checking into the Possum Trot Net weekday mornings. Then there is the CFARS Evening Net held daily at 7:00 pm. On Wednesday nights come by and check in with me and tell me how your day went. About a year and a half ago, I got into county hunting and joined the Mobile Amateur Radio Awards Club (MARAC). I am attempting to work all 3076 counties on CW. We have several CFARS members who have worked them all on SSB and a couple of them more than once. Well thats pretty much it on where I operate, however you never know where I will pop up on the bands. I work all HF bands except for 160 meters. You know it never ceases to amaze me that I can speak into the microphone or flap those Bencher paddles (which is more likely the case with me) and my voice or fist is heard on the California coast or by a Russian ham blocks from the Kremlin. Do you ever look back through your old log books or qsl cards and remember all those wonderful chats you had with a fellow ham? I have so many that come to mind but I will save them for another time. I will tell you what else still amazes me and that is standing on the beach using a HT with less that one-half watt on and using the Wilmington repeater to talk with the folks back in Fayetteville. Man that tiny little palm sized radio and talking to someone back in Fayetteville 120 miles away! Is amateur radio great or what? Besides operating there is the friendship and camaraderie experienced by members of our fraternity. I cant imagine being a ham and not being involved in a club. For example, all the fun we have as CFARS members taking part in the clubs many and varied events (we have 2 walk-a-thons coming up), providing emergency communications during times of need such as Hurricanes Fran and Dennis and of course the event I enjoy most is Field Day! I could go on and on but I will stop because as I am typing there is another wonderful activity taking place on the repeater. It is wonderful to hear and it sums up the magic of amateur radio I am trying ot convey to you and at the same time get fired up all over again and make you experience that feeling you got had when you first got your ticket. Buddy KG4ABZ and John KF4WLB are working stations on 10 meters in Alaska, Hawaii, Japan and South America. Its Friday night and the ARRL International DX SSB Contest has just started. John is working them qrp and the excitement in his voice is contagious. John and Buddy are having an absolute ball on 10 meters as they are calling out frequencies over the repeater as they find DX stations. Do you remember those first contacts and the thrill you had making them? If so blow off the dust off the microphone or key and get reacquainted with the magic this hobby has. Get your red crayon and circle March 20 on your calendar. See you at the meeting. I am going to qsy to 10 meters before Buddy and John work them all. Hope they left some for me. 73 for now David KR4OE
Low Power and Strong Signals Here is a recent question: Suppose I run QRP (5 watts or less). How much weaker is my signal than when I run 100 Watts? The difference is probably not as great as you might think. An S unit is six dB (although most radios arent all that accurate). Each time you cut your power in half, your signal drops three dB. Therefore, to drop an S unit, you cut your power to one fourth of the original level. Lets say you are running 100 watts, and are in contact with a station who reports that your signal is S-9. If you cut your power to 25 watts, your signal strength will drop to S-8. To get S-7 you would cut your power to 6.25 watts. And, if you cut your power to 1.5625 watts, you would still have a signal strength of S-6. An example of how this works in practice, we once discussed QRP with a station in South Africa. We started this SSB QSO at 600 watts. The signal strengths were S-9 or greater. We both reduced power until we reached 1 watts. At 5 watts, we were still able to carry on the QSO, although the signals were weak. We could no longer carry on the QSO when we reached 1 watt. - The Old TimerClub Dues CFARS relies on membership dues to keep the club up and running. Club dues are due now! Any member who has not paid their dues by the March 31st will be dropped from the membership roster. You will not get a newsletter. Dont get left out. Dues are payable to our Secretary/Treasurer Chuck KJ4RV or may be mailed to the following address: CFARS PO Box 36106 Fayetteville, NC 28303-1106 New Members $ 20.00 Annual Renewal Individual $ 15.00 Annual Renewal Family $ 20.00 Life Membership $150.00 |
Determining A Folders Size To quickly determine the amount of space a folder and its contents occupies on your drive, Open Windows Explorer (right click the Start button, choose Explorer), select the folder and pres Alt+Enter. The Size; and Contains; items in the Properties dialog boxs General tab provide the details you are looking for. The Compu Guru
Welcome to the....
"The Red Carpet Repeater" 147.93/33 in Fayetteville, NC Proudly serving our community and the best darn Hams in the World!!!!
Contest Corner March 2000 18 - 19 Bermuda Contest 18- 19 Russian DX Contest 25 - 26 CQ WW WPX SSB Contest April 2000 7 - 9 Japan Int DX Contest15 EU Spring Sprint SSB 15 - 16 Michigan QSO Party 29 - 30 Florida QSO Party 29 - 30 Ontario QSO Party
Items For Sale
Brand new. Still in the box. $90.00 Les Locklear AF4QS 485-1277
Works most of the time. $10.00 David KR4OE
Anyone who is interested - Free!!! Woolsey KD3DX 678-8954 Recent Emails From - Jeff and Pat Steinkamp Email -
Jeff and I just wanted to say how great it was to work some of you during the recent 10-10 SSB Contest. Unfortunately our logs cant help the Possum Trotters as it would be impossible to reach NC on a ground wire from here in AZ. We were happy to be able to at least add some points for those we made a contact with. Hope you all did well!!!!! Pat KE4GDQ and Jeff KD5YG W4CC Wins NC Section Manager Job
W1AW Bulletin
The ballots have been counted in the NC Section Managers race. John Covington W4CC of Charlotte, NC won the position over Roger Allen KD4MYE. The final count was 951 to 891. John will be succeeding our outgoing Section Manager Reed Whitten AB4W. Terms of office will begin April 1, 2000. Good luck John on your new position. Thanks for a job well done Reed. |
VE Testing
Well the masses arrived on the morning of 4th, some were there 30 minutes early ready to test. After the last person signed the candidate roster we had 39 applicants. The VE Team handled/graded over 60 elements and issued over 30 CSCEs. The final tickets issued where 1 Extra, 2 General, 4 Tech Plus and 1 Tech. The large portions of the applicants were after the 4B element and with 14 taking the element 11 received a passing score. This was a great turnout of folks wanting to upgrade! This test session would not have happened without the 11 VE team members who donated their Saturday morning and part of the afternoon. Thank you for giving your time, effort and desire to help others in our hobby. 73s Bob KL7NL
Candidates testing at the CFARS VE Test Session Some of the VE Team members grading exams
Hamfests April 2 Downeast Hamfest Kinston, NC April 9 Rarsfest Raleigh, NC Information
May 27 Durhamfest Durham, NC June 10 Winston Salem Hamfest July 9 Salisbury, NC Hamfest Sept 2-3 Shelby Hamfest Sept 24 Butner Hamfest October 7 Rockhill, SC Hamfest October 7-8 Virginia Beach Hamfest |
RARSfest 2000 Hamfest & Computer Fair April 9, 2000 8 am - 4 pm North Carolina State Fairgrounds Raleigh, NC Talk in 146.64 Repeater Admission - $5 Preregistration $6 At The Door Prizes - 4 Icon 207-H Icom 706 MKII Preregistration Prize $125 Cash
CFARS Upcoming Events Breakfast Every Saturday 6:30 am - Until
K & W Cafeteria Village & Owen Dr All Are Welcome - See You There
VE Testing Schedule 13 May 9 September 8 July 11 November Methodist College Fayetteville, NC Registration 9 am Testing 9:30 am Talk - In 146.91 PL 100Hz
Question Pools The newly revised amateur radio question pools are now available. They can be located on line at the ARRLs web site. These question pools are for use only after the changes take place on April 15, 2000. If you plan to test or upgrade before April 15th then continue to use the old study materials. The element numbers will be as follows under the revised license classes: Element 2 - Technician Element 3 General Element 4 - Amateur Extra Get out and study. Upgrade those tickets. Hope to see more candidates at the CFARS VE Test Session May 13, 2000.
V President Pat N4UGH
Sec/Treas Chuck KJ4RV
Recorder Al N0PSH
Editor Mike KN4XP
Ad Van N4ERM Members Bonnie KF4LVF EC Bob KL7NL
Info Kelly N4EWG
Repeater Bill KU4W
SkyWarn Buddy KG4ABZ
CFARS REPEATERS WB4YZF 2 Meters 146.910 - PL 100 Hz
220 MHz 224.560 +
440 MHz 444.400 +
W4EBM 53.810 -
W4LPL 147.330 +
Club Meetings 20 March 2000 17 April 2000 15 May 2000 |